WiQo PRX-T33

PRX-T33 is a non-injectable BioRevitalizer that induces a dermal bio-stimulation without harming the skin. It is not a peel because it does not cause frost, but instead acts deep within the tissues. It is indicated for men, women, and teens as a BioRevitalizer of the face.

No pain, no needles, no downtime, and no surgery! The PRX-T33, also known as the Unicorn Facial, shows fast results to diminish age spots, hyperpigmentation, and melasma. It's also used for skin tightening and as an anti-aging treatment that results in firm, taut, and healthy looking skin.

For best results, we always recommend a treatment plan of 5 sessions, once a week, for long lasting results.


What to expect during your appointment:

After completing necessary forms, we will take photos for your chart before we start the treatment. Treatments are typically 20-30 minutes in length. We ask that you come with a clean face and avoid using retinols or other anti-aging creams for 48 hours prior to your appointment. You may experience some redness after treatment, which typically resolves within a few hours. You may apply make up approximately four hours after treatment.

Treatment Instructions

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