Injection Lipolysis
Injection lipolysis dissolves small fat deposits through targeted injections, offering non-surgical body contouring.
Injection lipolysis is used to target specific areas of stubborn body fat. The injections disrupt the membranes of fat cells, causing them to rupture and release their contents into the surrounding tissue. This leads to a process called adipocytolysis, where the fat cells are broken down and eventually eliminated from the body through natural metabolic processes.
A consultation is required for to determine if you would be a good candidate for this treatment, how many sessions would be needed for your personal goals, and if a combination of other treatments would be recommended.

What to expect during your appointment:
For your initial appointment, after completing necessary forms, we will take photos and body measurements for your chart before we start the treatment. You can expect some tenderness in the treatment areas that would last no more than a couple days.