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Kybella is a popular choice for people looking to enhance their appearance with a relatively straightforward, non-invasive treatment. Kybella can deliver impressive results for reducing submental fat, leading to a more contoured jawline and a more defined profile.

Kybella is a nonsurgical injectable treatment to reduce your submental fat (double chin). When injected into the fat below the skin, Kybella breaks down fat cells in that area.
After the fat cells are destroyed, immune cells called macrophages come in. They clear away the remnants of the destroyed cells and promote new collagen through the recruitment of fibroblasts.

The benefit of Kybella treatment is that it reduces submental fullness to carve out a beautiful jawline.

We always start with a consultation for Kybella treatment to determine how many sessions would be recommended.

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What to expect during your appointment:

After completing necessary forms, we will take photos for your chart before we start the treatment. You will then meet with a provider who will discuss your concerns and will do a consultation with a recommendation of treatment plan. You may experience some redness, tenderness, bruising, swelling after treatment, which typically resolve within a couple weeks. We always recommend to avoid scheduling treatment around a major event. Please try to schedule treatment about 2-4 weeks prior to any major event.

Post-Treatment Instructions

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